Six organizations to give to before New Year’s Day
I wrote the shortlist, for your end-of-year tax deductible donations.
As you hopefully finish basking in the materialistic glory of Christmas Day — which my beloved grandfather Jacques Gadala used to call “le grand troc de Noel” (the Xmas great barter) and the guilt of your accumulated wealth creeps in, I wanted to suggest seven non-profits to give to today to offset your footprint. Seven organizations to give to before New Year’s Day because they truly are changing the World towards what I know YOU want to see.
Do not hesitate to share it with your network 😊
1 — Witness to Mass Incarceration
What it does: Re-entry because it could be YOU. The MAP which connects formerly-incarcerated owned businesses with clients all over the country. The Suitcase Project which provides fully stocked suitcases to newly released women and LGBTQ folks returning from prison homeless and penniless.
The ED: The inspiring Evie Litwok — a–formerly incarcerated and lesbian social justice fighter.
2 — OutRight Action International
What it does: Harness thew power of LGBTQ+ people and their allies to benefit the global struggle for LGBTI Equality. In the words of Board Member Suzanne Rotondo: “they punch way above their weight… they make every dollar count 2x or 5x what the larger organizations seem to do. For OutRight, this means they are the ONLY LGBTIQ+ human rights organization that has permanent status at the UN, shaping global policy based on existing and original research, bold and game-changing policy that is grounded in pragmatism. This has had a profound impact.”
The ED: Another high power lesbian — Maria Sojdin— who has true LGBTQ+ street creed.
3 — The Institute of Current World Affairs’ David Mixner Fellowship
What it does: Send bright young American minds to report on what is REALLY going on in the World on LGBTQ+ issue.
The ED: Greg Feifer a REAL journalist who combines ideals and great style.
4 — Housing Works
What it does: Provide and advocate for housing in maybe the only place in the World which has no excuses left for homelessness. It also shows that Gay people are not (only) lurking monsters who emerge from Times Square bathrooms to head to Fire Island in the summer.
The ED: Matthew Bernardo who leads this gigantic operation with poise, charm and vision.
5 — TransNewYork!/donation/checkout
What it does: TransNewYork is a trans-ran and led organization. Its mission is to educate, empower, and enhance the lives of Transgender, Gender Non-conforming and Non-binary Individuals globally through advocacy, community visibility, human and social services, advance knowledge, and lifelong learning development of self.
The ED: Gen Herley, a charming and decisive leader with unparalleled experience in her community.
6 — Alturi
What it does: Engage individual supporters who want to improve the lives of their LGBTI brothers and sisters abroad.
The ED: Minneapolis-based Charlie Rounds, a tireless activist who is inspired by his mother, Margaret, who worked her entire life for civil and human rights.
Now as a disclaimer, I volunteer on the Board of these organizations BUT I do give them my own money too — — when I have some — a clear sign of “dogfooding”.
Thank you for your generosity